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Congratulations!! for taking the first step towards adopting natural ingredients for haircare. We assure you, this will be an exciting journey with positive impact on your health and our environment!! At Sva, we research our ingredients in detail to understand it's true power and provide you with chemical-free, natural haircare solutions. We love to share our knowledge with you so that you can enjoy the full benefits of these herbs. Sva has meticulously researched and developed combinations of 100% plant-based hair dyes that allow you, the freedom to cover your greys naturally. We customise shades from Light Blonde, Dark Blonde, Copper, Brown, Dark Brown to Black. Of-course a lot depends upon your natural hair colour as our plant dyes cannot lighten your existing hair shade. You will be surprised, how 100% natural dyes like Henna & Indigo work in different combinations to achieve varying shades other than ORANGE : ) Our high quality, hair dye powders are lab tested for adulterants and FREE from PPD, AMMONIA, HYDROGEN PEROXIDE & METALLIC SALTS. We use certified organic ingredients that are sourced directly from growers. Using SVA plant dyes have tremendous hair benefits like conditioning your strands, impart robust shine, improve scalp health and more. One can see a visible improvement in hair texture with repeat applications.

We are happy to chat & guide you throughout your natural hair dye journey. We have complied some frequently asked questions (FAQ's) to answer all your queries regarding SVA plant-based hair dyes. Click below to get more info.


Covering grey hair is a big challenge for many. Long term exposure to harsh chemicals can lead to irreversible damage by physically altering your hair structure. You will notice, how chemically treated or bleached hair will make your hair- dry, brittle and dull over years. Unfortunately many also witness rapid greying of hair due to chemical dyes (proven research). Not to mention the other health hazards & sensitization issue associated with oxidative hair dyes. Now, you have a all natural option to cover your greys! SVA plant-based hair dyes is specially formulated after years of research & study to understand the science of naturally occurring dyes. Our hair dyes are 100% natural, third party lab-tested for adulterants and chemicals like PPD, Ammonia, Hydrogen Peroxide, Lead, Mercury , Arsenic. Our plant-leaf powders are natural dyes derived from Henna & Indigo leaves. We have developed specific techniques to mix the powders in various combination to create beautiful shades like brown, black and blondes. And yes, this is possible by understanding the chemistry of dyes, dye release timing, their binding capacity with hair keratin, dye transfer rate, oxidation process etc. You can try our products in the following 2 ways: Shop our DIY HAIR DYE KITS or try our APPLICATION SERVICE.

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DIY HAIR DYE KITS (Click here to shop)

Our DIY hair dye kits are easy to use at home to cover your greys. They come with pre-weighed henna/ indigo powders, fruit-acid powder, gloves, water along with detailed instructions to soak the powders and apply. Remember the powders need to be soaked overnight, hence buy the product in advance. Once applied it takes 24-72 hours for the dyes to fully oxidise in hair. Hence, use our kits 2-3 days before your main event / meeting / party.

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APPLICATION SERVICE (Click here to book an appointment)

You can visit our application studio located at 44 Kallang Place to enjoy our application service. We offer colour consultation by our research expert Deepali Razdan who will guide & recommend you the colour options available to cover your greys effectively. SVA hair dyes are a combination of our in-house variety of henna & indigo plant dyes. Colour shades available at our studio range from Dark Blonde, Medium Brunette, Dark Brunette & Blackish Brown. We also customise hair shades to suit your requirement.

If you are using the below mentioned ingredients in your henna, in all likelihood you are using henna meant for hands & mehendi designs. This may not be suitable for hair.....

Achieving dark shades with henna is all about SCIENCE!!

Tea / Coffee can stain a table cloth but not your hair. Please avoid adding tea / coffee in your hair for staining hair brown. This is misinformation. Try SVA Plant Dyes instead.

Lemon juice can dry your hair!!

If Henna hair treatment dries up your hair, Lemon juice is one of be the BIG culprits. Lemon works perfectly fine for mehendi designs but not for hair henna.

Oil hampers henna dye uptake!

Pure quality henna is not drying! However, compound Henna with harsh chemical additives like metallic salts, Ammonia, PPD can be extremely drying. To combat the drying effect of adulterated henna, many recommend adding oil. This is due to poor understanding of how henna works on hair. Adding oil in henna will only result in weak dye uptake and poor coverage.

For years we are using Henna all WRONG!!

At SVA, we do not blindly follow traditional methods of using ingredients. We challenge the norms, research well and understand the chemistry. Due to lack of knowledge and understanding, henna is one the most under-rated herb with excellent hair benefits. Adding Egg or Curd is the mis-information that has been spread to combat the ill effects of synthetic dyes added to henna.  



Henna (also known as Mehndi) has been used for centuries as a natural hair color treatment and for body Art. Such is the significance of Henna in Indian tradition that no bride is complete without intricate design of Henna on her hands and feet. One other reason that Henna is such intricate part of weddings & specially a bride is the anti-fungal property of the herb. With the advent of chemical hair dyes, Henna lost its battle to the striking range of hair shades. Also, most henna retailers started selling adulterated henna to keep the business rolling. This all has taken a big toll not only on our hair but also our health! This is where we started our journey to re-discover the lost herb and reinstate its lost glory. Presenting to you, the purest form of henna called SVA NOOR HENNA. Try our Pure, Triple sifted, Body Art Quality, SVA NOOR Henna Leaf powder and you will never go back to chemical dyes again! Specially for those with extreme dry and brittle hair, SVA Noor henna can completely revitalise your hair strands by moisturizing them & adding a gorgeous shine. Remember that Henna will stain your grey hair deep copper which can be toned to brown using our henna plant toner. SVA Henna is lab tested for adulterants and lead-free, mercury-free, PPD-free & Ammonia-free.